Attributes, Roles and Culture within Neighborhoods

In a recent podcast by The Neighboring Movement, hosts Adam Barlow-Thompson and Matt Johnson were joined by John McKnight to discuss the six (possibly even seven) attributes of a culture of contribution, how these characteristics in a community could foster peace, and then continues with the roles that we play within our neighborhood.

The six attributes discussed: Cooperation, Hospitality, Generosity, Kindness, Accepting Fallibility, Forgiveness, (and a seventh, Spirituality.)

  • What would you do to make these manifest?

  • The people who love you, which of these attributes would they say YOU have?

  • And look at your neighbors. What attributes do you see them living into? We want to hear your stories.

  • How do we tell these stories in our neighborhoods?

The roles that people perform in a community: Healers, Conscience, Artists, Conveners, Bridgers, Connectors, Voices, Visionaries, Executors, Tuck Pointers.  We would welcome your thoughts on this list.

  • Which of these do you feel like is a role that gives you joy?

  • Is there a role that you would add?

  • And think about your neighbors. Do you see them embodying a role listed here? If so, what does that look like?

  • Are there missing roles you would add to this list?

Follow this link to listen to the podcast and to contribute your thoughts and reactions.

About the Lead Author

John McKnight
John McKnight
John McKnight is emeritus professor of education and social policy and codirector of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute at DePaul University. He is the coauthor of Building Communities from the Inside Out and the author of The Careless Society. He has been a community organizer and serves on the boards of several national organizations that support neighborhood development.

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