Jeffrey Bordelon

Jeffrey Bordelon is a founder and director of PlacerSustain, a nonprofit organization in Placer County, CA dedicated to "connecting people and inspiring collaboration to build healthy communities and thriving local economies." He has been a practicing attorney and land use planner for almost 40 years. His specialities include real estate, business, construction, land development, and resource conservation.

“The Well” ~ A Symbol of Healthy Community

The I Ching is an ancient Chinese book of 64 oracular readings that reflect enduring wisdom that predates and includes Confucianism and Taoism. The readings consist of archetypal circumstances with guidance on how the individual may act in harmony...

The Possibility of Sustainable Communities

When we hear the term “sustainable communities” in general it refers to the Triple Bottom Line of Social, Economic and Environmental interests at the “community scale.” For our purposes in discussing sustainable (or resilient) communities, the focus is on...

Abundant Community: Local Food Alliance in Placer County, California

PlacerSustain is a 501(c)(3) non-profit located in Placer County, California, that stewards the creation of social capital at the grass roots level to create a sustainable future—helping people help themselves through sharing, connecting, collaborating and taking cooperative action.  PlacerSustain...

PlacerSustain: One Community’s Exploration of the Possibility of a Sustainable Future

We are in the midst of a global transformative change in what it means to be a "Community," and in particular, a Sustainable Community. At the heart of this change is the growing recognition that personal, social, and cultural...