Lisa Gale Hadden
Lisa Gale Hadden is Executive Director of a Michigan Area Health Education Center, housed within the College of Medicine at Central Michigan University, and serves as a faculty member of the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Institute, Northwestern University.
The former President and CEO of Healthy Community Partners, she has worked as a community organizer and was the Project Director for Healthy Futures, which supported access to health care for the homeless and uninsured. There she created a network of free, street clinics staffed by volunteer physicians, family nurse practitioners and nurses.
A notable feature of the Healthy Futures program was its community service coordination provided by residents hired from the neighborhoods to navigate patients through all aspects of health care and non-medical community resources.
Be a Neighbor First
In her work with the Michigan Area Health Education Center executive director Lisa Hadden has developed creative ways to get medical professionals oriented to support rather than control local partners. In this discussion with John and Peter the focus...