Walter Brueggemann

Walter Brueggemann is one of the most influential Old Testament scholars of the last several decades, known throughout the world for his method of combining literary and sociological modes when reading The Bible. He has written more than 58 books, hundreds of articles, and several commentaries on books of the Bible, has contributed to the Living the Questions DVD series, and participated in Bill Moyers' PBS television series on Genesis.

Another Other Kingdom

Conversation with Walter Brueggemann ~ October 2, 2018 About every six weeks for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building pioneers as their guests. For their October 2, 2018 dialog they invited...

Peter Block, Walter Brueggemann and John McKnight in Conversation

John and Peter were joined in their conversation on March 8, 2018 by Walter Brueggemann, co-author of their recently released new book An Other Kingdom: Departing the Consumer Culture. Also joining them were special guests and friends Peter Pula and...

Signs of the Times

You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. — Matt. 16:3 The intent of An Other Kingdom is to interpret certain signs of the times. These signs have to do with...

The Economics of Compassion: Can This City Wipe Out Debt by 2019?

Cincinnati, Ohio, is among the fastest growing cities in the Midwest. It hosts corporate giants like Procter & Gamble and Kroger, and some of its close-in neighborhoods have become chic, with coffee shops and new condominiums. But prosperity is not...

Class Warfare on Earth and in Heaven

The phrase “class warfare” may be taken as a descriptive term to identify the power dynamics of politics and economics. “Class” refers most often to the gap between the “haves” who enjoy political leverage and economic advantage over the...

The Scarcity Narrative

World-renowned Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann's off-the-cuff observations on how the Scarcity Narrative pervades individual and community life. Running time: 00:01:49 Related: The Food Fight: Accumulation and Abundance (Brueggemann) Home page image: eye of einstein

How Our Religious Narratives Affect Us

Where are we going to look for our future? Where can we find stories and language of neighborliness? How can we bring narratives of fallibility, faith, relatedness, forgiveness, and apology into the center of our conversations of community? These...

Connecting4Community Conference Call

In April, 2012, Charles Holmes and Louise van Rhyn convened a conference call with John McKnight, Walter Brueggemann and Peter Block for a group of community builders in anticipation of a conference held in Cincinnati, Ohio, in May 2012. This...

Our Abundant Communities

John, Peter and Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann explore themes of power and patriarchy; human fallibility and gifts; and accumulation and abundance in building and sustaining community in these uncut videos from their two days at Trinity University, San...