Notes on the Gifts and Assets That People Who Are Vulnerable to Rejection Commonly Bring to Community
by Judith Snow
- making people feel happy
- listening
- slowing people down, reorienting people to time and place
- leading people to appreciate simple things
- causing people to appreciate their own abilities
Skill Building
- pushing people to be better problem solvers
- causing people to try things they’ve never done before
- causing people to research things they never encountered before
- improving education
- improving technology
- modeling perseverance – being unstoppable
- reaching out to people and breaking down barriers
- asking questions that everyone else is too shy to ask
- bringing people together who otherwise would never meet
The Economy
- providing jobs to people who want supplemental income, like artists
- providing jobs to people who need to work odd schedules like homemakers
- providing jobs to people who otherwise have few or no marketable skills
- filling odd niches
- providing a home, bringing people home
- often modeling exemplary forgiveness
- offering opportunities to do something that clearly makes a difference
- reorienting values from accumulation to relationships
- making people more peaceful