Q & A

If it takes a village to raise a child, it would look like…


Anne M. Stadler, a co-founder of Third Place Commons in Lake Forest Park, WA and other Puget Sound area community groups, said:

Something like what our neighborhood circle IS with more conscious attention paid to the children themselves, and to supporting their lives and interests — a la an extended joint (Indian) family


Jeffrey Bordelon of PlacerSustain in Loomis, CA said:

It looks like a proliferation of autonomous but connected and communicating small groups dedicated to working in Community to take on creating our own future, right here, right now — acknowledging the abundance of human resources we have to do this work powerfully.


Kori of Good Tree Village in the Washington, DC area said:

Small interconnected villages that share their resources and talents and then aggregate and share with and learn from other villages worldwide.


Ruth Mukami Mungai, a reporter on health issues among girls in Kenya, said:

The involvement of the community is one big pillar to help bring change that the society deserves. When a child succeeds in life then one day he or she will come back and help the community grow.


Dale Tremper of Corazon Ministries, San Antonio, TX said:

Multiple opportunities for children of all ages to connect with their vocation and experience growth in community. Turning off the television and the computer for long enough to be together and experience hope. Physical exercise, spiritual connections, intellectual and artistic stimulation and creativity.

Home page photo: Ezra Wolf


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