Steve Dubb

Steve Dubb is senior editor of economic justice at NPQ, where he writes articles (including NPQ’s Economy Remix column), moderates Remaking the Economy webinars, and works to cultivate voices from the field and help them reach a broader audience. Prior to coming to NPQ in 2017, Steve worked with cooperatives and nonprofits for over two decades, including twelve years at The Democracy Collaborative and three years as executive director of NASCO (North American Students of Cooperation). In his work, Steve has authored, co-authored, and edited numerous reports; participated in and facilitated learning cohorts; designed community building strategies; and helped build the field of community wealth building. Steve is the lead author of Building Wealth: The Asset-Based Approach to Solving Social and Economic Problems (Aspen 2005) and coauthor (with Rita Hodges) of The Road Half Traveled: University Engagement at a Crossroads, published by MSU Press in 2012. In 2016, Steve curated and authored Conversations on Community Wealth Building, a collection of interviews of community builders that Steve had conducted over the previous decade.

Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing, granted the authority by the Federal Aviation Administration in 2009 to self-certify compliance, uses that authority to cut regulatory corners—with...

How to Achieve Belonging without Othering: A Conversation with john a. powell

Truth to Power is a regular series of conversations published by Nonprofit Quarterly with writers about the promises and pitfalls of movements for social justice. From the roots of racial capitalism to the psychic toll of poverty, from resource...

Community Ownership in Practice

This recent discussion, hosted by Shareable, Resist & Build’s SE Narrative Circle, the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network, and the New Economy Coalition, offers inspiring examples of what community-ownership can look like in practice in our communities.   Imaginal Cells of the...

What Does Community Development for Liberation Look Like?

This article, originally published in Nonprofit Quarterly, offers a peek into the tensions and hopes that leaders of national community development organizations grapple with daily, as well as the historical roots of thinking that have shaped their work.   Earlier this...