Craig Mattson

Scholar-teacher-analyst of social enterprise, professor at Trinity Christian College, podcaster for Spiritual Capital

White Theft in Neighborhood Development

In this conversation, Craig Mattson and The Learning Tree co-founder De'Amon Harges explore the ways in which problem of theft looms on the edge of partnerships between various sectors and neighborhood organizations. Craig and De'Amon discuss ways to avoid this...

Why Neighboring Matters in Organizational Mission

Learning to be un-blind. That's how a friend of mine, DeAmon Harges of Indianapolis, put it to me recently. Learning to be unblind is a huge challenge of org leadership, especially when it comes to predominantly white institutions and...

Joining The Party: the Neighborhood Economics Network

  Neighborhoods across the country bear signs of the pressing waves of development-driven displacement: boarded windows, doors hanging open, furniture and household items in front yard. Despite its impact on thousands of families and lives, the displacement that accompanies gentrification...

Reimagining the Table, Justice, and our Relationship to Place

What does it mean to be a neighbor? In what ways might it heal us to live in authentic, interconnected relationship with others who live and work just beyond our doorstep? How is the path to racial justice interwoven...