To set the stage for his 2012 budget message, Alachua County, FL Manager Randall Reid quotes Lao Tzu: “Great trouble comes from not knowing what is enough . . .”
The challenge for citizens today, he says, is to decide...
In Notus, Idaho, librarian Jo Ellen Ringer has created a community hub for the town’s citizens. Her answers to the Public Insight Network’s survey about the role of libraries in civic life show how deep-seated caring and a little...
If it takes a village to raise a child, it would look like...
Anne M. Stadler, a co-founder of Third Place Commons in Lake Forest Park, WA and other Puget Sound area community groups, said:
Something like what our neighborhood circle...
Reading about the Reevesland Learning Garden in Arlington, VA, inspired Dave Cooper to tell us about a farming project he help to start up in the central part of the state.
Just last week they planted 1,000 sweet potato slips...