Abundant Community


Roundup: Community at Work

Stories from our friends around the globe about how families, neighbors and friends are sharing and caring for one another in the COVID-19 environment. ABCD Instutite Resources & Inspiration for Unleashing Abundance & Community in Times of Crisis https://mailchi.mp/b35752005336/abcd-institute-newsletter-and-resources-12241970?e=9440f051f7   Al Etmanski Love During Adversity...

Top 21 Reasons to Live in Branch

Priscilla Corcoran Mooney was just 30 years old when she became her town’s mayor. A community of approximately 250 people on the Cape Shore of Newfoundland, Canada, the Town of Branch knows how to focus on their assets and...

Apple Street Market

A documentary video from the Cincinnati Union Co-operative Initiative shows how the city's Northside neighborhood is using community ownership to solve the problem of urban supermarket shortage.   Image courtesy the Cincinnati Union Co-operative Initiative

Local Works

Lowcountry Local First is a grassroots movement of education, outreach and relationship building that promotes the many benefits of buying from local, independent businesses and farmers, including cultivating, growing and sustaining the Lowcountry economy and culture — the community’s way...

Honoring the Gifts and Capacities of Cincinnati Citizens

There are more than 7,000 groups in Cincinnati who want to better the community in one way or another.  A Small Group has opened a dialogue so groups can work together – as citizens committed to change – to...

From Our Neighbors and Friends

We asked: What are you reading now that relates to your community work? What writings would you recommend to others involved in efforts like your own? What resources (books, articles, websites, people) have influenced your thinking and work? Here's what...

The Story of New Vision

"Everywhere I go there seems to be a natural curiosity about new ways to solve old problems: what will we eat, what will we drink and where will we stay at night?” says Ruston Seaman, co-founder of New Vision...

In Memory of Angeles Arrien

To our Connecting For Community Friends This week we received the sad news that Angeles Arrien passed away on April 24 of complications from a long bout of walking pneumonia.  She will be deeply missed. For those who wish to honor her...

From the Conversation on “Making Space for Community” with Ross Chapin – June 5, 2013

Follow-up recommendations from Ross Chapin’s June 5 conversation with John and Peter “Making Space for Community.” Recommendations from John, Peter and Ross http://rosschapin.com http://www.pocket-neighborhoods.net/ Great tools at pocket-neighborhoods.net/resources www.sacredplaces.org www.nextdoor.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvkF2r1V_mo Ross Chapin video interview by Craig Weiner. Robert J. Sampson. Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood...

44 Ways to Build Community

This thought-and action-provoking list of simple ways to build community is a poster circulating on the Internet. We found it on the Facebook page of GoodSamMinistries of Holland, MI. Home page image: Leo  Reynolds