Abundant Community


From the “Conversation on Social Innovation” with Al Etmanski–August 28, 2012

Links/Resources Recommended These links are roughly in the order of subjects mentioned in John and Peter's August 28 conversation with Al Etmanski. www.projectfriendship.com for information on the Project Friendship Society in Canada that John mentioned in his introduction. The organization connects people isolated...

A Kid’s Perspective on Community Building

It’s never too early to start learning about building community. In Sarasota County, FL babies joined teenagers and younger kids in a forum called Community Data 2.0: A NeighborKID Perspective, the fourth workshop in a year-long, county-wide series that...

The Peterson Garden Project

In 1942 Chicago led the nation in the Victory Garden Movement, which was a surprise to many because the city was the country’s second-largest urban area at the time and 90 percent of its citizens had never gardened before....

Growing Power ~ Will Allen

Former professional basketball player Will Allen is a leader in the food security and urban farming movement through his farm and not-for-profit, Growing Power. He and his organization have trained and inspired people in every corner of the US...

Break Time Bakery

New City Neighbors of Grand Rapids, MI invented an engaging summer program for community youth: The Breaktime Bakery. Started in the summer of 2006, the bakery teaches 6th through 8th grade students basic job skills like showing up on time,...

From the Conversation on “Measuring and Evaluating Community Initiatives” with Tom Dewar – April 16, 2013

Reading and Websites Recommended Follow-up recommendations from Tom Dewar's April 16 conversation with Peter "Measuring and Evaluating Community Initiatives." Grassroots Grantmakers http://www.grassrootsgrantmakers.org/category/small-grants/publications/ See especially a “short course on grassroots grantmaking.” Center for Neighborhood Technology http://www.cnt.org Aspen Institute Roundtable on Community Change http://www.aspeninstitute.org/policy-work/community-change/publications-1 You can order a copy of...

Building Community with Portable Brick Ovens

“We knead to bake!” That’s the motto of the St. Paul Bread Club, “the largest bread club we know of,” they say, “at least in the sense of being a group of individuals with a common interest in bread.” The Club...

Stories from the Lathrup Village Time Bank

Guitar lessons. Computer help. Typing. Sewing on buttons. Cooking a spaghetti dinner. Walking a neighbor’s dog. Cleaning out a basement. These are just a few of the things members of the Lathrup Village Time Bank have done for one...

The Meaning of Citizenship

Mike Fraser draws from Peter’s book Community: The Structure of Belonging, Fareed Zakaria’s The Future of Freedom and Mamphela Ramphele’s Laying Ghosts to Rest in his exploration of the meaning of citizenship in South Africa’s Times iLive. Read Fraser's post at http://www.timeslive.co.za/ilive/2012/02/01/the-meaning-of-citizenship-ilive   Related: ...

From the “Conversation on Fallibility” – February 7, 2012

Books Edgar Cahn No More Throw-Away People: The Co-Production Imperative (2d ed) Washington, DC: Essential Books, 2004 Alfie Kohn No Contest: The Case Against Competition (2d rev ed) Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992   Going Further Fallibility: The Value of Imperfection (John McKnight/Peter Block) The Gift of Fallibility - Conversing with...