When I Grow Up: A Six-Year-Old’s Vision of a Gift Community

Social inventors Bill Kauth and Zoe Alowan work at the forefront of the “Gift” movement, traveling the world learning and teaching the concepts and processes of Gift Community. After one of their seminar tours last year, they received this video clip of six-year-old Sabina talking about what it meant to her to attend a local Gift Circle. Posted on their blog and on YouTube, it has received more than 100,000 hits.



“The sheer innocent beauty of Sabina’s clarity and intention sure touched our hearts,” Bill and Zoe said in their blog post.

“Note how she understands that ‘…people get what they need, and don’t have to pay, and exchange hugs or money, whatever works as long as it is from the heart.’ We believe that this is where the world is going, as the old systems transition. Please join us in our “Gift Community” movement.  It’s what we all want, let us build the new Gift Culture!”


Video and blog excerpt re-posted with permission from Bill, Zoe and Sabina’s dad. See the YouTube post for comments from around the world.


About the Lead Author

Bill Kauth and Zoe Alowan
Bill Kauth and Zoe Alowan
Bill Kauth and Zoe Alowan are active learners and teachers of the concepts and processes of Gift Community. Together they have delivered 45 Gift Community seminars around the world and co-authored the book We Need Each Other. Visit their website www.weneedeachother.net for more on their work.

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