
Who Do We Choose To Be? Meg Wheatley and Peter Block

The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging.  This episode is the Abundant Community Conversation from August 2 where Amy Howton speaks with Meg Wheatley and Peter Block about the new edition of Meg’s...

Citizens Forge Ahead to Directly Address Housing Crisis

What possibilities exist if we stopped waiting for someone else to take on an issue in our community? Originally published on Axiom News, this story from Ontario gives us a glimpse into the answer regarding the crisis many communities...

We Make Peace

"What if you can still feel a sense of justice without reaching out to the legal system? What if you still can have access to healing without punishment? What if this person who harmed you can do the hard...

Moai—This Tradition is Why Okinawan People Live Longer, Better

Mo•ai (/mo,eye/) Japan noun A group of lifelong friends A social support group that forms in order to provide varying support from social, financial, health, or spiritual interests Elders in Okinawa, Japan, one of the original blue zones longevity hotspots, live extraordinarily...

Neighborhoods as Magical Places: The Connected Community Book Talk

The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of belonging. For this episode, John McKnight & Cormac Russell discuss their new book, The Connected Community: Discovering the Health, Wealth & Power...

Mutual Aid Meets the Needs of People Affected by Climate Disasters

IMAGE:  HOUSTON, TEXAS - FEB 20: Volunteers direct traffic during a water distribution event at the Fountain Life Center on February 20, 2021 in Houston, Texas. Much of Texas is still struggling with historic cold weather, power outages and...

Find Your Freedom

In this episode of the Messy Middle podcast hosted by consultant and author Andrew Horsfield, Peter Block draws on his broad experience to discuss the benefits of choosing service over self-interest, embracing our freedom, shifting from problem solving to...

An Abolitionist Makes a Case for “No More Police”

The demand to “defund the police” asks politicians to go beyond platitudes and actually end the violence of policing, shifting resources in ways that promote the redistribution of wealth. The phrase “defund the police” entered mainstream consciousness during the historic 2020...

Creating a Neighborly Vibe

For years, Abundant Community Edmonton has been steadily cultivating a citywide culture and ecosystem of neighborhood connection, caring and belonging, block by block. The founder, Howard Lawrence, was inspired by John and Peter's book The Abundant Community to take...

A Beautiful Resistance

  This column is a part of A BEAUTIFUL RESISTANCE: Black joy, Black lives, as celebrated by culture columnist Jeneé Osterheldt.   Cole Arthur Riley created a literary communion in Black Liturgies. On Instagram, she’s made a space to lift her innermost thoughts...


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The Pain of Every Leader with Dan Joyner

The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of...