Break Time Bakery

New City Neighbors of Grand Rapids, MI invented an engaging summer program for community youth: The Breaktime Bakery.

Started in the summer of 2006, the bakery teaches 6th through 8th grade students basic job skills like showing up on time, managing supplies for their business and sales and customer service skills. Instead of just sitting around and playing video games all summer the middle school students bake a variety of goods including cookies, cheese cakes, breads, bars, scones, and fudge. By the end of the summer most have also mastered money/goods exchange, multi-tasking and quality control. It’s a great way for them to learn to work hard while having fun.

Watch Program Director Eric Schalk explain the program and see the kids in action as they demonstrate their baking and business skills.

Video re-posted by permissionof New City Neighbors, a non-profit ministry in Grand Rapids, MI.
Photo: scubadive67

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