
How to Share: 350+ Guides to Help your Community Thrive

When we tap into the sharing power of our communities, we reclaim our own agency while opening our lives up to the joy and deep sustenance of mutually supportive relationships. And as we navigate the unpredictability of the economic...

Becoming Trustworthy

We hear that Americans are polarized. Nationally, there is not of enough trust to bridge the national chasm. Yet in our small towns and neighborhoods, it is often difficult to find strong community wide divisive polarity. Instead there is...

The Disability Advantage

There is a pretty good chance you are directly or indirectly connected to the power of disability. The majority of people are. For starters, one-seventh of the people on the planet have a disability, which makes people with disabilities the...

The Long Now of Impact

Impact can be assessed programmatically or culturally. It can be measured with statistics and numbers or by chronicling shifts in habits, beliefs and values. It can also be gauged using the clock of the long now. That’s what former Premier...

Further Up and Further In

Prairie Sky is Alberta’s first cohousing cooperative. Constructed in 2003 in a quiet Calgary neighbourhood not far from downtown, the 18-unit residential development also has a 3,400 square-foot “Common House” for weekly communal meals, informal gatherings, meetings and community...

Six Principles: Why We Do What We Do and What We Expect from Others

John McKnight has said that he knows of few people who have implemented Asset-Based Community Development more courageously or completely than Mike Mather. Read this excerpt from Mike’s latest book to get a sense of what John means by...

Financing a New Housing Paradigm: Dividend Housing

John and Peter talked with social innovator Margery Spinney on May 2, 2019 about how the dividend housing system she invented provides permanent housing affordability and allows residents to add value and receive an economic return on their housing choice....

Reimagining Community: Conversation with Jonathan Massimi

Making Meaningful Connections Conversation with Jonathan Massimi ~ March 12, 2019 About every six weeks for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building pioneers as their guests. For their March 12, 2019 dialog...

Abundant Community Book Study Guide

In Kitchener, Ontario, community reinventor Jonathan Massimi once led a discussion group with city staff, eight community connectors and a neighborhood association to explore the ideas from John and Peter's book The Abundant Community. That initiative grew into an eight-week...

Eight Questions for Thinking and Acting Like a Movement

Profound social change requires movements. Movements open our hearts and minds. They create the favourable political conditions for legislative change, resource allocation and policy shifts.... Social movements do two things much better than other forms of organizing. Social movements do two...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...