
White Theft in Neighborhood Development

In this conversation, Craig Mattson and The Learning Tree co-founder De'Amon Harges explore the ways in which problem of theft looms on the edge of partnerships between various sectors and neighborhood organizations. Craig and De'Amon discuss ways to avoid this...

What brings you joy?

An urban neighborhood strengthens its community by asking unexpected questions The Learning Tree initiative takes a different route to enhancing community by focusing on talents and gifts — not poverty.   When faced with an inability to pay their rent, mortgage or...

Talent Retention as a Community Development Strategy for Low-Income Neighborhoods

Talent retention is a top concern for companies right now, in an era when people are quitting their jobs in droves. But it might also be an important development strategy for low-income neighborhoods, according to the new book “Reclaiming...

How Change Happens over “Pizza and Some Beer”

Democracy Collaborative co-founder Gar Alperovitz talks about how the democratic economy is coming into being during an October 2021 interview with Andrew Van Wagner, who has interviewed a number of leading thinkers for his Substack newsletter. In the interview, Alperovitz points out...

Restoring the Common Good

In this episode of the Finding Community podcast, Peter Block explores conversations we can have to imagine a more habitable future; why connecting with our local communities is important; and why it is critical to shift from a focus...

Reclaiming Citizen Power: Angela Fell

Angela Fell has her feet in the soil of Wigan, UK. In this straight-talking conversation we name the disconnect from real life and community we see in the patterns and behaviour of our 'democratic' systems and the institutions, large...

Action Confidence: Laying Down the Path in Walking

“Let’s have the courage to create” — GAIA Journey participant We live in a world of disruption, drama, and despair. All of these are real. But at the same time, we also live in a world of unparalleled opportunity — the opportunity...

Learning 38: Waiting to Contribute: The Key to Maximizing Citizen Participation

One form of community organizing involves local citizens in collective action focused on issue.  Issues emerge from tensions and contentions. They reflect the dissatisfaction or anger felt by local residents.  Often, “citizen participation” is used to indicate the number of...

Community Development and Anti-Racism Work

Broadway United Methodist Church in Indianapolis was the recipient of a grant for anti-poverty work in their predominantly African-American neighborhood. Broadway is a predominantly white organization.  The Learning Tree (a neighborhood organization) which is a collection of neighbors centered around...

Learning 37: ABCD, Jazz and the Structure of Powerful Communities

During the first year of the Covid pandemic, many neighborhood organizations and block clubs stopped their traditional face-to-face meetings. Nonetheless, in many locations these groups spontaneously initiated innovative community activities. In many neighborhoods with no community groups, new and...

COVID-19 Cannot Harm Your Gifts

Where do gifts come from? Whether you believe your gifts spring from your genetic makeup, a scientific phenomenon like a “big bang”, or as a gift from a spiritual source, what is undeniable is that you have come into...

The Long Now of Impact

Impact can be assessed programmatically or culturally. It can be measured with statistics and numbers or by chronicling shifts in habits, beliefs and values. It can also be gauged using the clock of the long now. That’s what former Premier...

Peter Block: On Robert Thompson’s Thought Grenades

Peter chats with Robert Thompson and Mike Neiss about small things with large results for empowering neighborhoods and building community. Listen Here on Thought Grenades.


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When Actors Give Back Stolen Land

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