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Gar Alperovitz and John McKnight in Conversation

John joins historian/political economist Gar Alperovitz to reflect on their original talks for the Schumacher Center for a New Economics and comment on each other’s work given current political, economic, and social realities. Moderated by Jodie Evans, this event is part of...

A Conversation with John McKnight, Founder of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute

In his teachings and writings, John McKnight, founder and co-director of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute at DePaul University, has echoed Alexis de Tocqueville’s appreciation of the value of healthy civic associations. As coauthor of Building Communities from the...

Peter Block, Walter Brueggemann and John McKnight in Conversation

John and Peter were joined in their conversation on March 8, 2018 by Walter Brueggemann, co-author of their recently released new book An Other Kingdom: Departing the Consumer Culture. Also joining them were special guests and friends Peter Pula and...

John McKnight: What I Have Learned So Far

John reflects on ABCD's history, practice and future in his keynote address at the 2015 ABCD Festival held in Blackpool, England, to mark the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Asset Based Community Development Institute.   Video by Philip Booth.  

Ruston Seaman in Conversation with John McKnight

My comments on the deeply touching and intensely relevant conversation on faith during the June 2, 2015 Abundant Community “on-line interchange”   What motivates our business behaviors?  Personal gain or higher purpose, greed or social conscience?  Or what percentage of each? ...

John McKnight: Community and Its Counterfeits

Some radio series find their proper moment, others don't.  A broadcast might be a little too far ahead of the zeitgeist, or too far behind it.  But every once in a while one's timing is just right.  This series,...

Interview with John McKnight

Detail from a graphic record of a facilitated discussion in Vancouver, B.C., in which participants talked about what belonging and community mean. The artists included examples of local community development in the drawing. Illustration by Liz Etmanski and Aaron Johannes/Spectrum...

Interview with John McKnight

I had the pleasure of interviewing John about how we understand and enact community within the framework of our lives that exist in place-based communities, taking into account the complexities of our simultaneous allegiances to multiple communities. John also...

Notes on John McKnight and “The Gift of Fallibility”

I’m attending an amazing conference in San Antonio titled “Our Abundant Communities: Neighborly Nourishment in the Wilderness.” Here are my notes from John McKnight’s session titled “The Gift of Fallibility.” (The following notes are close to being quotes but there is...

Peter Block and John McKnight with Wayne Hurlbert – Part Two

Excerpts from Peter and John's comments on The Abundant Community – Part Two This is the second part of the transcribed excerpts from Peter and John’s interview with Wayne Hurlbert of Blog Business World. In Part One, they explored the...
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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...
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