My comments on the deeply touching and intensely relevant conversation on faith during the June 2, 2015 Abundant Community “on-line interchange”
What motivates our business behaviors? Personal gain or higher purpose, greed or social conscience? Or what percentage of each? This suggestion may seem simplistic, but it brings up the importance of root-cause analysis in understanding leadership topics. Are we to think religiously or materialistically? That is the bigger question, and only going more deeply into thought will enable us to dialogue productively and in the end create a better world. We need to stop superficial, cliché talk and dig much more prfoundly into destiny in order to make the difference that actually is a difference.
- “Faith-and-gifts” versus “power-and-prevailing (winning)” are two prima facie conflicting (incompatible) worldviews.
- They are grounded on a choice (ultimately a free, autonomous and responsible choice).
- The questions of facts and truth are of a different order and require a separate style of analysis.
- This gap reflects the (regrettably) often-bitter struggle between God and Atheism. That paradox and controversy is never (that is the proper operative word) addressed seriously enough to reach a mutually satisfying resolution.
- Also, this rift has been a source of immense pain and cruel injustice throughout the tragic history of mankind.
- The crucial topic of reconciliation (“synthesis” is a more generous term) is left undiscussed, creating at minimum abrasive feelings and dysfunctional communities.
- The New Conversation is about the exact structure of this primary free choice, what it looks like, what it feels to be, what it is, from where it comes, what to do about it and with it. This work is known as “owning who you are.” Changing this conversation also changes lives.
- And a life, thus changed, will create the future. Are you ready for this conversation? It’s all in your hands.
T.S. Eliot put it famously as follows:
“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”
Copyright © 2015 by Peter Koestenbaum Inc. Home page image Carol VanHook Images
- Powering Communities and Empowering People (McKnight/Seaman audio)